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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

How To Determine Cost Breakdown While Applying Garage Floor Epoxy

 Garagefloor epoxy coatings are highly effective, and if you use them on the garage floor, you will definitely notice a difference in the appearance of the floor, and it will also be stronger. However, epoxy flooring may sometimes be costly since it is an investment that requires a lot of money to install. The essence of the preparation of a cost breakdown and the factors that determine the costs are important to enable one to budget. In this article, we will consider the main points that will help you find out the approximate price for garage floor epoxy so you can start your work.

Epoxy Product Costs

The cost of garage floor epoxy coating products, as for the coatings themselves, represents 50–60% of the total cost of the project. This implies the primer coat(s), the actual color coat, and the sealer coat or clear coat, as it is sometimes referred to. Prices also vary depending on the quality of the product, with $50 to $100 per gallon being standard. A standard 2-car garage should take about 4 to 8 gallons in total. So, the cost of the coating materials will only amount to $200-$800. Solids, or, more permanently, higher durable coat formulations, tend to cost more per gallon. When more than two coats are applied, costs increase.

Surface Preparation Costs

Surfacing preparation remains important as it constitutes 20-30% of the total expense on epoxy. Some pre-surface preparations include surface preparation, which involves sweeping off the surface, washing off grease, scraping off all paint and other coatings, repairing all the cracks on the floor, and roughening the floor to get a proper bond. Equipment can be rented, and this could be done individually or by getting someone to do it. It costs between $3 and $8 per square foot. That means a 2-car garage of 500 sq ft will cost anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000 for prep work.


Application Tools/Supplies


Epoxy is not hard to apply but does require some specialized tools like squeegees, rollers, etc. The expense of these tools will come to 5-10% of total cost. Most of the supplies, such as the paint trays and the tapes, will cost between one hundred and three hundred US dollars.

Labor Costs

If you hire a professional team of workers, then labor costs will contribute to approximately 15-20% of the total cost of the project in question. This includes time spent by the worker preparing the surface, painting several coats, applying stripes or decorative chips, and everything that has to be done after that. By the square footage of the area? For a 500 sq ft garage, it will cost about $1,000-2,000 for a 2–3-person crew, including tools.


The cost of a high-quality garage floor epoxy coating for a 2-car garage will take about $1500 – $2500 for the materials and if you are going to do it yourself. There will also be an extra $1,000 – $2000 for hiring professional installation. Knowing what makes up part of the total cost, you can prepare for the budget and determine which portions are best to do on your own and which portions are best to hire out.

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